Wednesday, October 31, 2007

So I am opening a coffee house in Fremont which is a neighborhood in Seattle.,_Seattle,_Washington
It is a small space with lot's character and potential. There is not enough room to do everything I would like but, it is a start. For those of you that know me know that this has been my dream for the past 8 years since I started working in coffee in 99. Since I started working in coffee I have done little else. I eat, drink, sleep coffee often to the neglect of my family. Since day one my single minded goal was to own a coffee house.
My ideal coffee house would have several espresso machines and numerous ways to brew coffee but, that will have to wait for now. I will have one espresso machine, the Clover brewing system (, a two group gold cone bar setup (
and Cafe Press (aka French Press)
I would also like to offer competition style signature drinks and do regular coffee cuppings. Here are some pictures of the space and surrounding area.


dogmilque said...

When can I work a shift?

Superdaveo said...

Your place looks sweet. I'll have to come over for a cupping sometime. Long time no see.

Dave wilkinson