Wednesday, October 31, 2007

So I am opening a coffee house in Fremont which is a neighborhood in Seattle.,_Seattle,_Washington
It is a small space with lot's character and potential. There is not enough room to do everything I would like but, it is a start. For those of you that know me know that this has been my dream for the past 8 years since I started working in coffee in 99. Since I started working in coffee I have done little else. I eat, drink, sleep coffee often to the neglect of my family. Since day one my single minded goal was to own a coffee house.
My ideal coffee house would have several espresso machines and numerous ways to brew coffee but, that will have to wait for now. I will have one espresso machine, the Clover brewing system (, a two group gold cone bar setup (
and Cafe Press (aka French Press)
I would also like to offer competition style signature drinks and do regular coffee cuppings. Here are some pictures of the space and surrounding area.

Real Men

This is kind of old but, it is still funny.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Something New

Well Craig you wanted something New. I am opening my own coffee house but, I think you knew that.