Friday, November 10, 2006

New coffee pickers

Because of high labor costs many Brazilian farmers are starting to train monkeys to pick their coffee. One of the unexpected side benefits of this is that the monkeys have begun to eat some of the coffee and the beans that have gone through the monkeys digestive system are fetching prices that are close to the prices of Kopi Luwak. Sometimes the monkeys eat them twice and these are called double pooped and demand a even higher price. We were able to try some while in Brazil and I must say that it is good Crap.


Steve said...

Holy crap, Kopi Luwak, part due...

EspressoDude said...

MY GOD! The monkeys are starting to take over the coffee industry. It's only the first step toward the end ... Planet of the Apes!!

Anonymous said...

Nice punn, Slick.